The goal of CBT is to help adopt new patterns of thought.
to replace the existing ones, and to think of new ways to interpret the situation, instead of thinking: "I have pain in my side, I'm probably having a heart attack" think instead "I probably was walking too fast, I should slow down and then I'll feel better"
In the same way, CBT is also effective with changing behavior patterns.
CBT is the recommended treatment mainly but not only in cases of anxiety and various phobias.
The following are situations that can be treated and relieved with CBT:
Depression, Insecurity, Shyness, PTSD, Improvement of social skills, communication difficulties, Anger management Behavior disorders
In principle, anybody can benefit from CBT. In the case of children, the treatment is sometimes combined with guiding the parents, or is even applied by instructing the parents about the treatment principles.
Sometimes, it is performed only with the child, similar to the treatment of adults. The suitability of this treatment does not depend only on age, or the problem for which one seeks treatment, but also on the patient's personality.
This treatment fits people with strong and stable personality, and is less suitable for dependent people or people with personality disorders, because CBT is a very demanding treatment
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It requires the patient to be active during the process, even more than the therapist. Most of the work is done at home, in applying new thinking and behavior patterns, in daily life situations, while the sessions are intended to improve behaviors, examining the application and suggestions for improvement.
In addition, CBT therapy is designed to deal with specific and well defined issues, such as a specific phobia or anxiety.
When the difficulty is vague or non-specific, preparation work is required, during which the problem is defined and specified, before the problem can be treated with CBT.
For this reason, people who are able to define their difficulties to themselves and to others, and who are capable of hard work, can achieve a significant change within a short time through CBT.
In Dr. Tal's center for mental and emotional therapy, we offer you CBT therapy with the clinic's professional and reliable therapists.
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If you are interested in finding out whether CBT therapy could be of help, you are invited to set up a consultation session, and we will be happy to assist.
Don’t hesitate to contact us: 1-800-100-172
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